Happy 36th anniversary baby! I bet you didn’t see this coming.

When you’ve been married 36 years it’s difficult coming up with that perfect anniversary gift for your wife which speaks straight from the heart.  Something she doesn’t have.  Something she doesn’t expect. Something which makes her blush just a bit…and believe me…I love to make her blush.  Well here it is…my homemade anniversary gift card posted on a public website.  It may bore my readers…but there’s only a handful anyway…so here it goes.

Leslie, did you know when an article is posted on the internet it stays there forever.  Yes…after the world ends as we know it, the only things remaining will be cockroaches and articles posted on the internet.  So you might say this 36 year anniversary gift will be one which will just keep on giving…forever.

Baby, the past 36 years have been “crazy good.”  I could go on and on about the wonderful times we’ve had and are still having.  I could write a thousand words about our kids…but this is about how I feel about you.

The moment I met you 42 years ago in our high school cafeteria I knew you were out of my league…but that didn’t stop me…and I thank God every day for that.  As a matter of fact…being married to you has given me the confidence to live my entire life out of my league.   Baby you changed who I was into who we are…you know what I’m talking about. It’s been the best gift ever.

The chorus of the song I wrote for you several years ago sums it up pretty well.

All I want is to share your present moment.
Time stands still, when it’s just you and me.
Doesn’t matter where we are when we’re together.
Cause in your moment babe is where I want to be.

I have always been a man of music.  It expresses in ways I can’t. Thus the following is apropos.

Happy 36th anniversary baby!  I bet you didn’t see this coming.
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5 Responses

  1. Tharon Caldwell
    Tharon Caldwell June 12, 2012 at 7:58 pm | | Reply

    Happy anniversary. That you’ve been happy all these years is not surprising to anyone. That your kids KNOW when your anniversary is, and acknowledge it is truly remarkable. Many more years of happiness.

    1. BILL PEAK
      BILL PEAK June 12, 2012 at 9:27 pm | | Reply

      Tharon, Thank you for leaving a comment…it’s so cool that you took the time to do so. You mentioned our kids. Our kids are…as you put it…truly remarkable. They are the primary reason for the joy we share in our marriage. Thanks again.

  2. Kathy Huffman
    Kathy Huffman June 12, 2012 at 8:35 pm | | Reply

    What a beautiful tribute! It’s not always easy to find love in this crazy world, but if you are lucky enough to find it, hold it tight and nurture it. I wish you both a fabulous anniversary and many, many more years of love and happiness.

    1. BILL PEAK
      BILL PEAK June 12, 2012 at 9:31 pm | | Reply

      Kathy. thanks for sharing your thoughts. Yes, this world is crazy…but you know…that’s kind of what I like about it. Hope everything’s going well you.

    2. Capatin
      Capatin September 9, 2012 at 7:09 pm | | Reply

      BION I’m impersesd! Cool post!

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