Life changes…but…“it ain’t over till it’s over”

Life has a wonderful way of saying “it ain’t over till it’s over.” These wonderful words of wisdom echoed in my ear once again as my daughter gave birth to her first child, Levi…my fifth grandchild. Fifth grandchild…say what?! I’m telling you, I still haven’t caught up on sleep lost from the raising of my own six children…correction…our raising of our own six children.

Life changes so quickly. One day your head is spinning from the chaos of raising kids as you are simultaneously juggling schedules, keeping your sanity, second guessing every “in the moment” decision…you name it. Then, one morning, you awake to a deafening silence noticing all the noises your house makes. It’s so quiet you can almost hear yourself think.

At times, I even get caught up in a little pity party featuring a cold beer with old pictures…sprinkled with a little “woe is me” for good measure as I long for the good old days. Usually, about this time, there’s a knock on the front door as it swings wide open…and there stands Jack, my 4 year old grandson. He yells out…“Where’s my buddy?” Again… it’s life’s wonderful way of shouting…“it ain’t over till it’s over.”

I will never let life’s circumstances stop me in my tracks…and, by the way…that is a conscious decision. You have to shed the old to enjoy and bring on the new…for one will not arrive without the other’s dismissal. So…as life changes…I say “Bring It On!”


As life goes on, I will continue to enjoy reminiscing the good old days and I will continue to add to them…each and every day. For the act of living is what life’s all about.

You see…my life is like that Christmas bell in the story “The Polar Express.” I will forever hear its sweet sound reminding me…“it ain’t over till it’s over.”

I’ve got one more bit of news for you…it ain’t even over then. That’s the way we roll around here. Welcome to our world Levi.

Bill Peak
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