Your faith will attract what you believe you deserve.

Take a moment to think about your life. Now, make a” top 10” list of things you believe you deserve. You’ve just constructed your life’s glass ceiling. You see, your faith will attract what you believe you deserve…and nothing more.

Who’s going to strive for something they don’t believe they deserve? Too many of us actually feel unworthy if we achieve beyond our self-imposed limitations. I have friends who work diligently for the things they want from life, only to feel guilty when comparing themselves to those who have chosen to have less.

Bingo…you have just gone beyond what you feel you deserve. So you draw back into their comfort zone of mediocrity, just below that glass ceiling you built for yourself. Yes, that’s more like it…Are you CRAZY!

If you choose to live in the shadow of others…fine. Workout with the strongest…draft with the fastest…hangout with the most optimistic…sing with the most talented…pray with the most thankful and surround yourself with the most successful. At least this way, you’ll raise your “guilt bar” a notch or two.

I say dream like crazy…create a burning desire for whatever you want. I say lead by your actions and let others follow. I say leave the guilt behind…develop some positive faith and as you do, that new found faith will attract the wonderful life you believe you deserve.

Bill Peak
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2 Responses

  1. Sibyl
    Sibyl October 19, 2015 at 10:16 pm | | Reply

    You know, I was just thinking about that not too long ago. As you know, I have been thinking about doing more with music. Music has always been so important to me and I’ve always put it in the back burner because of my chosen career (healthcare). Earlier this year, I decided to bring it back to the front. I’m not sure if I feel that I deserve any of it, but darn it, I’ve worked real hard in healthcare. And because I’ve made the decision to do this, opportunities have fallen on my lap: I’ve done more singing (had the opportunity to sing different type of music in church), I decided that I want to eventually write a song (a class called “songwriting 101” opened up, offered by Norton Healthcare at no charge —- I’ve signed up), finally, my brother asked if I wanted to sing a song at one of their gigs (sort of like getting a taste of performing this type of music). All these things are slowly, subtly coming to fruition.
    So, your last paragraph really does make sense and has truth.
    Thank you for verifying what was on the back of my mind (almost like giving me permission to dream)!

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