Rain Down On Me
Verse:1 Sipping black coffee, taking it slow. Staring through the daybreak, trying to untangle my soul. Loosen my grip Lord…. what if I let go? Like a lone seed blowing in, just beyond your summer wind, forever going never been. Rain down on me. Verse 2: Sipping black coffee just taking it slow. No one […]

Life’s Teachable Moments
Life is full of teachable moments. Translation: Life isn’t fair and it doesn’t care… now what the hell are you going to do about it? As I write this post, our state is beginning to re-open businesses which have been on extreme lockdown for the past nine weeks due to the COVID-19 pandemic… Alleluia! As […]

Your 401k for the Body/Mind
I’m going to be short, sweet, and to the point on this one… in fact, this will take less than three minutes. There are 1,440 minutes in a day, and to be fair, approximately 480 of them are spent sleeping… so I won’t count those. That leaves 960 minutes each day to do whatever you […]

Getting Started
Where to begin? There’s this cool Tom Petty song where the hook repeats “waiting is the hardest part”. Although there have been many times in my life where those words most certainly ring true, as I’m sitting here pondering how to begin this post, I have to say… not so this time. No sir, Mr. […]

What Do You Believe?
We all know people who have, for lack of a better term, that Midas touch. It not only seems that everything they touch turns to gold, but more impressively, everything they set out to do, no matter how challenging, they somehow find a way to make it happen. In other words, to these few… nothing is impossible.

Every Act Of Love Gives A Little Piece Of Heaven.
This past May 9th marked another anniversary of my father’s passing. It’s now been 52 years, but who’s counting? The one thing I always do on this spring morning, with this year being no exception, is go to the cemetery, sit on Dad’s headstone, clear my mind, and just hang out. What always happens is […]
Smokers… Give Me Five Minutes. What Do You Have To Lose?
When you quit smoking, it will be on your terms…really? If that were true, you would have stopped long ago. The fact is… you’ve been at the mercy of those cancer sticks ever since you consciously decided to become addicted. Hey…it is what it is. As your newly self-appointed mentor, your first lesson is to […]

Who’s Your Momma?
Every family has that one special someone with the biggest heart, the widest smile, and the most compassion, who will anywhere or anytime, drop what she’s doing to love you through any blood, sweat, or tears you may be spilling at the moment.

Find the Right Key
We all are made up of both body and spirit. The degree to which we keep them both fully engaged and properly balanced determines the quality of our reality.

What’s it Gonna Take To Get Your Attention?
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you felt God was desperately trying to get your attention, as if to say… will you please just turn it off for a moment, take a breath, and be still! Recently, I was driving east on a clear, crisp, early morning just moments before the day […]