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What’s 35 years between old friends… absolutely nothing!

Have you ever thought about calling an old friend who you haven’t seen in years only to balk in thinking too many years have passed by to possibly have anything left in common to talk about? This scenario has played out for me many times, though the tables were turned as I saw it from a different point of view.

Your Present Moment.

All I want is to share your present moment.
Cause time stands still when it’s just you and me.
Doesn’t matter where we are when we’re together.
Cause in your moment babe…is where I want to be.

Marriage Comfortably Numb?  What If?

Marriage Comfortably Numb? What If?

I see couples every day who are comfortably numb in their marriages. Statistics state 50% of all marriages end in divorce, and I know for a fact, out of the remaining 50%, half of them are unhappy with theirs. Hell, I don’t know anyone who wants to have an unhappy or boring marriage, or wouldn’t like to have some excitement and maybe some unpredictable romance as well.

In every family, there definitely is a pecking order.

In every family, there definitely is a pecking order.

I’ve always been a student of “Life’s Truths” because they’re so…well…true. Being a parent of six, this one particularly has always intrigued me…“Life’s Truths #235”: In every family, there definitely is a pecking order. I’ve seen it manifest in families over and over again and it seems to make no difference who the parents are, how […]