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COMMITMENT!  The Gateway To Happiness.

COMMITMENT! The Gateway To Happiness.

When I was young, I figured happiness was something you were born with… you either had the gene or you didn’t. It seemed that those who were blessed with the gift could somehow find joy in most everything they did, while others, who believed they weren’t so lucky, slowly learned to quit looking, thus fulfilling […]

Who In The Hell Do You Think You Are?

Who In The Hell Do You Think You Are?

Don’t know about you, but I am most at ease when I’m in my so called comfort zone. And why wouldn’t I be… it’s the one place, or state of mind if you will, where I am in complete control, relaxed, and above all… tension free. Well… sort of. To be perfectly honest, this comfort […]

High School

Your Music Will Flow as You Trust and Let Go.

I’ve always loved to sing. As a matter of fact, I’ve been a vocalist most all my life… not the best mind you, but I’ve never needed to be the best. All I ever wanted was for the music to flow from my heart… in tune. I figured I could take it from there. I’m […]