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Wedding day party... not very formal.  But FUN!

Who’s Your Momma?

Every family has that one special someone with the biggest heart, the widest smile, and the most compassion, who will anywhere or anytime, drop what she’s doing to love you through any blood, sweat, or tears you may be spilling at the moment.

Finding the Right Key

Find the Right Key

We all are made up of both body and spirit. The degree to which we keep them both fully engaged and properly balanced determines the quality of our reality.

Day Break

What’s it Gonna Take To Get Your Attention?

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you felt God was desperately trying to get your attention, as if to say… will you please just turn it off for a moment, take a breath, and be still! Recently, I was driving east on a clear, crisp, early morning just moments before the day […]