6 Responses

  1. Sibyl
    Sibyl October 15, 2019 at 6:06 am | | Reply

    Wow! I felt that that post was directed to me! I turned 50 this year and I felt that everything you said is true….things seem a little more difficult, physically. I actually started doing squats every morning while waiting for my coffee to brew; and on occasion, I do sit ups while watching TV. But when I did your suggested exercises this morning, I realized that the exercises I’m doing do not engage all my muscles. I will definitely add those exercises you demonstrated.
    And can I just say, I am amazed how flexible you are. I tried those stretches and I am so embarrassed at how difficult it was for me. You made it look so easy and when I tried it, at first, I thought I was doing it all wrong……oh no!!! I’m just THAT out of shape and “inflexible” (is that a word?)
    As usual, thank you for your “words of wisdom”.
    Always appreciated

  2. Nancy Holston
    Nancy Holston October 15, 2019 at 10:56 am | | Reply

    You hit it right on the head. If you become sedentary, you will stay that way. Everyone should consider the flexibility and strength issue as we age. Unfortunately, some of us have spouses or significant others who “buy” into the sitting in front of the TV and the most movement they get is changing channels or the call of nature. My spouse makes me more determined to keep moving as well as the overall benefits. I greatly appreciate receiving your emails. Thank you for a dose of reality and positive perspective on life.

    P.S.Also, missed you at the JHS 45th class reunion. That year applies to your wife.

  3. Louis Hellmueller
    Louis Hellmueller October 15, 2019 at 2:41 pm | | Reply

    Very efficient use of 3 minutes. I wish I could manage my 401k that efficiently. I’m going to implement your suggestions. I’m already doing the core crunches, but really need to add the push-ups and leg stretches too. Bill, I would also recommend devoting some time to our spiritual needs as well; maybe some time meditating on our purpose in life, some prayer time, scripture reading or just being quiet for a few while listening to that inner voice inside all of us. Of course, now we’re talking 4-5 minutes. Still a bargain in the big scheme of things. For me, those exercises and stretches generally amount to 20 minutes. I’m lovin’ it!

    Good stuff, Bill! I would highly suggest your next video, however, features Leslie instead of you. I’m just saying…🤗

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