Every Act Of Love Gives A Little Piece Of Heaven.

This past May 9th marked another anniversary of my father’s passing. It’s now been 52 years, but who’s counting?

The one thing I always do on this spring morning, with this year being no exception, is go to the cemetery, sit on Dad’s headstone, clear my mind, and just hang out.

What always happens is what brings me back each year. The good times awaken, as the love comes alive and fills my heart with emotion, where every ounce of love remembered is as vivid and crisp as the moment it was given.

Although I knew today would be different, I didn’t expect to feel as melancholy as I did. You see, this year there was an additional stone right next to Dad’s… and it had Mom’s name on it.

Seeing their two names together side by side for the first time… quite honestly took my breath away. It was crazy surreal to say the least.

All I could do was stare into space as the uncontrollable reruns began to play out in my mind, where one sad thought lead to another. You know how it is… once you board that runaway train, there’s no stopping it. All I could think of was how much I missed them.

After several minutes of wandering aimlessly in the blues, I began to understand its non-negotiable terms and consider its reality. I figured I wouldn’t have the blues if I didn’t have the love. And losing the love, at least for me… is also non-negotiable.

It was then it occurred to me that Love-Never-Dies. It’s one of those concepts I always somehow knew, but never really took the time to ponder its breadth… you know, like all those other so called miracles we are graced with in life that can so easily be explained away… right?

Wrong!… not today. Today I’m taking the time to wrap my heart around this one.

Love for sure connects us in this world, and when that bond is severed through death, boy do we ever bleed the blues. And the stronger the bond, the more we bleed. The fact is, after death, you can’t separate the blues from the love. Sure, it may be more manageable over time, but never will it disconnect… nor should it.

With that in mind, consider this… since the blues can’t be severed from the love… maybe, just maybe, it’s that inseparable bond which ends up one day pulling us through and putting us back together on the other side. I know… it’s a bit of a stretch.

But one thing I do know for sure is… where there is love, there is God, and where there is God, there are most certainly miracles.

In fact, such miraculous blessings have become so commonplace in my life that often times, sorry to say, I totally miss their majesty.

We spend a lifetime searching for God in the craziest ways, all the while completely overlooking such obvious breadcrumbs he has so plentifully laid.

Again, let’s take love for example. On its surface, it’s just an overused, everyday word which has been watered down to express little or no meaning… i.e. I really love your shoes… I would love to have the day off… I love you too.

But on the other hand, when love is given from and attaches to the heart, emotion awakens and begins to take the wheel. And it’s within this vehicle love becomes spiritual and miracles are possible.

In fact… some say love can move mountains. I say… it can do much more than that. It can move… us! When this spiritual love is present, the impossible becomes probable, as our metaphorical mountains begin to move.

Think about how quickly you’re uplifted when a genuine expression of love comes your way. It may manifest as a simple compliment when feeling down, a vote of confidence when fearful or unsure, or maybe a friend selflessly carrying your load when you need it the most.

The point is… a little love at precisely the right time can instantly change someone’s day… and in some cases, believe it or not… their entire life.

I remember to this day a high school teacher of mine who knew me well, understood that I was having some personal problems… leading me to quit school and go out on my own. Long story here, but to make my point, I’ll just cut to the chase.

Knowing she couldn’t talk me out of it, she came up with a different approach by taking me aside to discuss the do’s and don’ts of looking for a good job. This simple act of love completely won me over… she had my full attention.

She stressed the importance of persistence and hard work. She then threw me what I would later realize to be a lifeline by saying, “Bill, I’ve known you for a long time and I know you can do anything you really set your mind to.” Then she continued… (here’s the lifeline) “and by the way, if you ever have a change of heart and want to come back, I’ll be here to help you.”

For the following two years I internalized her advice, worked hard, never gave up and made things happen… sort of.

During that time when things got rough, which happened quite often, I would recall her words… “If you ever have a change of heart” But I would always quickly dismiss them as I doubled down and moved forward.

But after a while, taking one step forward and two steps back, began to take its toll. I remember being on the job one hot summer afternoon working my butt off just like any other day, when suddenly out of nowhere I thought… there’s gotta be a better way. And then instantly, I remembered… and I knew just how to get there.

So… that afternoon I swallowed my pride, took her up on her offer, which by the way she made good, and went back to school. This time I did it the right way… I got serious and I never looked back.

Now here’s the punch line.

By going back to school, I met this girl who is now my wife of 42 years. We have 6 children, 12 grandchildren, and a wonderful life beyond my imagination.

I am absolutely 100% certain that I would not have even considered going back to school without that continuous flickering of light at the end of the tunnel which was lit out of love by Mrs. Moore, my 9th grade English teacher.

This is but one example of the miracle of love, and how it forever lives.

I say it forever lives because when you receive a gift borne out of love which affects your entire life, you not only never forget it, but can’t help but pass it forward. Thus… it never dies.

Here I am writing about it almost 50 years after the fact… and it’s as alive in my heart now as the day it was received.

Here’s the irony. When a life is changed by an act of love such as this, and believe me it happens every day, the one giving the love… in most cases, will never witness its miracle.

Just think of it… this teacher loved all her students. Can you imagine not only her mark she left on this world, but also… her reward in the next? I believe that’s how miracles work, but I’m sure there are those who can simply explain it away.

I admit, this is an extreme example, and most simple acts of love probably won’t completely change someone’s life… but it can, and it does… and it will. For every act of love gives a little piece of heaven.

Well, as always, I went off on a bit of a tangent here. Better get off this stone and get back to work.

Love you Mom and Dad.

Please take a moment to share in the comment space below how your life has been awakened by someone’s simple act of love.

I would LOVE for you to do that… couldn’t resist.

With Every Act Of Love Heaven Touches Earth

Bill Peak

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4 Responses

  1. Sibyl
    Sibyl June 25, 2018 at 5:56 am | | Reply

    My best childhood friend passed about 12 years ago. She was 37. I do the same thing as you do, I go to her grave around the anniversary of her death and sit there and think about all the good times growing up and all the things we had planned that didn’t happen. I miss her. In fact, I still don’t feel like she is gone; it just feels like she’s on vacation and I will hear from her soon. And I haven’t had a dream about her yet. My priest said it’s because I keep her close to my heart everyday.
    Regarding simple acts of love. I get those on a daily basis, several times a day, from my patients. I often talk to my patients before I examine them, you will not believe all they tell me (lessons in life, advice, and so much more). I have grown so much in the 27 years I have been doing this, mostly due to the patients. These patients have so much to give that have been life-long sessions.
    Thank you for sharing your experience with us. Isn’t life amazing?

  2. Lisa (Dale) Steele
    Lisa (Dale) Steele July 18, 2018 at 7:21 pm | | Reply

    Bill, Read your writing which is thought-provoking and right on target! I was happy that you revealed the name of your influential teacher, Mrs. Moore. She was my very favorite high school teacher also. Thanks for sharing a piece of your life with us!

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