What do you do for fun?
The other day I visited my mother who lives in an assisted living community. She is 88 years old and is suffering from dementia. Because of this devastating disease, her thought process has become very slow and her ability to recall is practically nonexistent. Our conversations consist of me talking and her smiling… but that’s […]

Maybe It’s Time to Lighten Up Just a Little
Have you ever experienced a moment which, for lack of a better phrase, smacks you in the face, as if to say, wake up fool… look at what you’re missing while being so wrapped up in all your stuff? I say, maybe it’s time to lighten up just a little. This morning, I woke up […]

Love, Through the Eyes of a Father
When I was young and foolish, I approached happiness the same way I did most everything else in my life…superficially. I viewed joy more like a quick fix rather than something of value; anything that promised instant gratification, or even hinted of a quick thrill, was all I needed. We were all shallow joy junkies […]

Are We As a People Innately Good Or Bad?
Are we as a people innately good or bad? Which would you say is your default or automatic pilot, if you will, and how would it be any different if there were absolutely no accountability for your actions or people in your life you were trying to impress or live up to? In other words, […]

A Few Shots From The Heart
There’s not a thing I write which you don’t already know… it’s all born out of good old common sense. Yes, it’s that intangible one that holds the other five together. For me, it comes into focus when I consciously relax in a quiet moment to just simply… listen. My life, like yours, is intense […]

Some Kids Never Grow Up
One thing I love about summer is our family vacation. For me… it doesn’t get any better than this. I’m not sure how many summers we’ll continue this tradition, but for now, our six kids, their families, as well as a boyfriend or two, fill up a large Florida vacation home for a week of […]

Dad Spars With The Blues
Have you ever noticed when you’re on top of your game and flying high, your whole world is this endless blue sky filled with white fluffy clouds of possibilities…where no one could possibly bring you down.
But, on the other hand, when you have the blues and your spirit is heavy…grey, misty skies surround you. And as your world closes in, you begin to wonder if you will ever again soar.

Unconditional Love
The next time I can’t feel the love, or get that feeling that God is nowhere to be found, I’m going to visit one of my kids. I’ll then smile and tell her I love her. And by doing so, I’ll be reminded of who I am…and why I am.

I Thank You
As I dressed for work this morning, all my clothes were clean and either folded or neatly hung in the closet, awaiting my arrival. I didn’t clean or arrange those clothes. Just wanted to say I noticed. I thank you. After getting dressed, I went into the kitchen and made a pot of coffee. The […]

A Father’s Love Goes Full Circle
The time I had with my dad was very short…12 years to be exact. He died a young man of 36. Believe me…we had our ups and downs, but the focus of this post is set on the ups. And there were plenty. Being I was his first son, our relationship was pretty darn special. […]