Smokers… Give Me Five Minutes. What Do You Have To Lose?
When you quit smoking, it will be on your terms…really? If that were true, you would have stopped long ago. The fact is… you’ve been at the mercy of those cancer sticks ever since you consciously decided to become addicted. Hey…it is what it is. As your newly self-appointed mentor, your first lesson is to […]

If you smoke to relax… read this slowly… twice
If you believe you smoke to relax, but would still love to quit…this posting is for you. In order to successfully quit smoking, you must first understand the forces you’re up against. There are two of these little demons…they go by the names addiction and habit. Surprisingly, dealing with the nicotine addiction is the easy […]

Smoke To Relax? I Have Some News For You.
When I was 25 years old, I was a two pack a day smoker, and had been, for better than a decade. Among other reasons, I would smoke to relax. Each time I thought about quitting, I was reminded of how wonderful and relaxed I felt lighting up… especially after a big meal, or while […]

Answer One Question and I’ll Show You How to Quit Smoking
Can you tell me, in one sentence, precisely why you want to quit smoking? Let’s chisel it down even further; can you tell me your #1 reason why you want to quit smoking? Take some time to think about this. As a matter of fact, think about it as if your life depends on it… […]

Decide to Stop Smoking. Go Ahead and Jump!
Until you draw a line in the sand and decide to stop smoking, there’s no earthly way it’s going to happen. This need for commitment is essential not only to stop smoking, but to follow through with any new endeavor or goal. Take swimming for instance. You’ll never learn to swim until you can’t touch […]

How To Stop Smoking? With Pleasure!
For four long years I tried every which way to stop smoking…nothing worked. That was, until it finally dawned on me that I wasn’t using the most powerful weapon in my arsenal. Allow me to explain. When I first decided to stop smoking, my total focus was on my body. I felt I had to […]

The Road to “Quit Smoking” Goes Through Fear…Without Fail
How to deal with fear is a common theme throughout many of my blog posts because it factors into every decision we make…every action we take. Whether we desire to quit smoking, lose weight, get in shape or even speak in front of others, fear will do its damnedest to keep us at bay. Although […]

Smoker’s Greatest Illusion
Tobacco delivers nothing more than the illusion of relaxation, existing only between the nicotine fits which become closer and closer the longer you’re addicted.
As you take action to rid your body of nicotine, and the cravings associated with it, you will again begin to achieve the natural, long lasting feeling of relaxation you deserve.

Quit Smoking? What’s my motivation?
When trying to sell an idea, a concept, or a product, there’s one question and one question only which demands to be answered before even thinking about closing the deal. I’m telling you…if they’re not asking…you can darn well bet they’re thinking…”what’s in it for me?” It’s the job of a good salesperson or mentor, […]

I’m afraid I’d love to quit smoking…which is it?
Honestly with all of this information, I was able to tame my fear and fly much more comfortably. With enough credible information, one can turn any “fear of the unknown” into a paper tiger.
I’ll connect the dots from fear to smoking in my next blog article.