If you smoke to relax…  read this slowly… twice

If you smoke to relax… read this slowly… twice

If you believe you smoke to relax, but would still love to quit…this posting is for you. In order to successfully quit smoking, you must first understand the forces you’re up against. There are two of these little demons…they go by the names addiction and habit. Surprisingly, dealing with the nicotine addiction is the easy […]

What If You Could Write a Letter To Your Younger Self?

What If You Could Write a Letter To Your Younger Self?

This is a letter written by me, to my younger self, in the event we discover the technology to go back in time. You never know. Dear Billy, Do not, under any circumstances, read this letter until you’re at least 16 years of age. As I am composing this letter, I am 61 years old, […]

Me 17 years old

A Few Shots From The Heart

There’s not a thing I write which you don’t already know… it’s all born out of good old common sense. Yes, it’s that intangible one that holds the other five together. For me, it comes into focus when I consciously relax in a quiet moment to just simply… listen. My life, like yours, is intense […]

It Feels Good To Be Happy.

It Feels Good To Be Happy.

Which statement rings truer for you? 1) Feeling good makes me happy. 2) Being happy makes me feel good. At first glance, I felt the two were reciprocal, but after thinking it through, I discovered a missing link. When I’m feeling good, happiness abounds… joy arises in everything I see and do. Many everyday problems […]

Smoke To Relax? I Have Some News For You.

Smoke To Relax? I Have Some News For You.

When I was 25 years old, I was a two pack a day smoker, and had been, for better than a decade.  Among other reasons, I would smoke to relax. Each time I thought about quitting, I was reminded of how wonderful and relaxed I felt lighting up… especially after a big meal, or while […]

Some Kids Never Grow Up

Some Kids Never Grow Up

One thing I love about summer is our family vacation. For me… it doesn’t get any better than this. I’m not sure how many summers we’ll continue this tradition, but for now, our six kids, their families, as well as a boyfriend or two, fill up a large Florida vacation home for a week of […]

Wouldn't You Just Love… To Get Lost In The Moment?

Wouldn’t You Just Love… To Get Lost In The Moment?

Consider the following: • Children at play • A teenager… or the young at heart, jamming at a rock concert • A fan at a sporting event • A couple holding hands, walking down the beach, enjoying a full moon • Mother Teresa helping the poor and destitute • An athlete running a marathon • […]

You Want to Be Happy? You Better Believe It!

You Want to Be Happy? You Better Believe It!

I spend a good amount of time pondering human nature and how we think… what motivates us… what makes us tick? One thing is for sure… we all share a common desire to be happy. Although most of us have a pretty good idea of what turns us on, very few have really figured out […]

Pessimism Has an Antidote… Take Your Medicine

Pessimism Has an Antidote… Take Your Medicine

I lost my dad to cancer when I was a young boy. Consequently, during those early years, I wasted much of my time brooding and feeling sorry for myself… as if that were going to make life easier. What a joke. On the contrary… it just made everything worse. For the next five years or […]