Self Motivation

Does Smoking Make You Happy…Really? “Entry 1”

Now I submit to you, your #1 obstacle which keeps you from living the joy of your dreams is that dirty little cigarette demanding to be smoked.

Listen Gentlemen...She Is Not Just One of the Guys.

Listen Gentlemen…She Is Not Just One of the Guys.

  Listen gentlemen, there are three simple things you can do for your wife, and if it truly comes from the heart, it will catapult you from merely being a good husband to the distant honor of being the most wonderful man alive…at least in her eyes. First, you have to understand her reasoning process […]

"The Present Moment"…Love it, Live it.

“The Present Moment”…Love it, Live it.

Being aware of “The Present Moment”, though it has great value, pales in comparison to actually being in it.

The Present Moment…Use It Or Lose It.

The Present Moment…Use It Or Lose It.

The Present moment is revealed as the mind is stilled and the soul is filled.

How "Bad" Do You Want It?

How “Bad” Do You Want It?

If you are happy with what you need, that’s fine and that is probably all you will get. All I am saying is take some time to dream of what you really want, convince yourself that you can’t live without it, then be aware of the “Law of Attraction” as it will guide you in the right direction.

Happiness is a choice!

Happiness is a choice!

Ahhh…that wonderful feeling of happiness. You have a choice. You can either hope it happens, or you can make it happen.

Allow Emotion To Drive Your Desire.

Allow Emotion To Drive Your Desire.

Desire submersed in emotion is the catalyst which drives success as if it were on a rail.