Momentum Is a Powerful Force… Bring the Action!
Momentum is a powerful force…a very powerful force. And once it is in motion, it’s difficult to stop…it’s almost self-perpetuating. Look…it’s given credit for almost every achievement. You give it a chance…give it just 15 minutes, and see what happens. What have you got to lose?

Five Sensible Ways to Connect With The Present Moment
OK, I admit…I’m absolutely fascinated with everything there is to know about living in the present moment. There have been countless words written on the subject. And believe me… I’ve spent many an hour pondering on each and every one of them. It seems the more I learn, the less I know. I’m beginning to […]

Chronic Fatigue: Shedding Some Light for the Patient.
I’m not sure if it was sheer determination, or the grace of God that pulled me through, but I do know this…something did. As a matter of fact, I’m now healthier and more vibrant today than I have ever been in my entire life.
I can honestly say, I know exactly how you feel and what you’re going through. Therefore, I know it’s going to take every ounce of your energy to follow my advice.

School’s Out, Life Begins. Here’s How You Play To Win.
First…toss out everything you’ve learned in school for a moment and listen closely to this simple, yet most important, lesson most universities fail to teach. This lesson emphasizes the fundamental characteristic required to elevate you to the top 20% of wage earners within your chosen field. Employers eagerly pay dearly for those who consistently possess […]

Every Good Marriage Relies on the Fun-damentals.
As a matter of fact, for those of you silently protesting why should I make the first move, I would remind you of this fundamental fact. For every action there’s a reaction. And when that action’s rooted in love…let’s just say, you better hold on tight. Now do I have your attention?

Note to Self
p.s. The first song I ever wrote, I performed as a toast for my daughter, Elissa and her husband, Aaron at their wedding reception.
Last night, I was listening to it which inspired me to write this blog as well as put a few pictures together in the form of a two minute slideshow. It seemed to fit the mood at the moment.
Without Fear There’d Be No Room For Excitement.
I visualize fear as this imaginary barrier between our safe, sometimes humdrum world, and this room full of excitement and wonder where the real blessings of living reside. So I guess what I would say is…without fear, there’d be no room for excitement…couldn’t resist.
Dad’s Slideshows With Music
One of my roles as a dad of six kids was to be in charge of the camera…and, I must say…I did it to perfection. I didn’t miss a thing…first steps, birthdays, building snowmen, vacations, Christmas mornings, graduations, weddings…you name it…I got it in a photo. It wasn’t too long before I had more photos […]

Romance Beyond the Call of Duty.
Here’s a romantic date for you. This story takes place 20 some odd years ago right smack dab in the middle of the most hectic, yet best times of our lives…raising our six kids. I’m not sure if it was the heat of that summer or what, but my lovely wife, Leslie, decided we could […]

Emotional pictures says it all.
We think in pictures but we feel, relate, and connect through emotions. Therefore, the challenge for the writer is to carefully choose words which paint emotional pictures for the reader to wander. As the mission’s accomplished…the reader is hooked; the writer is fulfilled. Add music to the mix and the story is taken to another […]