Light At The End Of My Tunnel
I was asked by my church to say a few words about fatherhood… probably due to the fact I have helped raise six kids… a rarity these days. In preparation, I reflected on the relationship I had with my own dad… focusing in on some of those teaching moments which were designed to steer me […]

What Would You Give To Be Happy?
Life is not fair. It never was nor will it ever be…done. Again, we all have our stories. Stop reliving the bad chapters and begin writing some new ones…you’re the author. If you don’t…all you’ll have left is to read others, all the while complaining…life isn’t fair.

School’s Out, Life Begins. Here’s How You Play To Win.
First…toss out everything you’ve learned in school for a moment and listen closely to this simple, yet most important, lesson most universities fail to teach. This lesson emphasizes the fundamental characteristic required to elevate you to the top 20% of wage earners within your chosen field. Employers eagerly pay dearly for those who consistently possess […]

“The Secret” to a new beginning
Draw a line in the sand. As you cross over, swallow your pride and completely let go of the past. It’s time to become a control freak…a “control of your life” freak that is. Accept full responsibility for everything that happens to you from this moment on.

Your child’s well-being is yours to lose.
This family, regardless of its twisted nature, replaces the one missing at home. It provides a sense of value. The problem is obvious…her upside-down family provides upside-down values…as the proverbial snowball rolls along…growing out of control.

“Hard knock life”
At this tender age, the child’s entire world is embodied by the love, or lack of it, shown by his parents. Therefore if there’s a family problem, such as divorce, alcoholism, drug addiction, lack of love, or any other abuse, the buck stops squarely with the parents from that point forward…period, amen.
“School of Hard Knocks”
“School of hard knocks” is an educational experience of which no one in their right mind would seek on their own. Sadly, it’s life’s void which generally draws the student in before he realizes he’s there…usually at a very young, tender age. You see…the “school of hard knocks” isn’t an institution at all. There are […]
Divorce Through the Eyes of a Child
I’m not judging your individual situation. I’m just showing you what it looks like through the eyes of a child. If you’ve been through it, you know what I say is true. If you haven’t…trust me on this one.

View Through the Eyes of a Child
View through the eyes of a child for a most simplistic moment. And thanks to my eight year old granddaughter for one that will never be forgotten. “The Ocean’s Way” The shells run into the bay but then come back in the waterway Then the sun kisses the water as it dips into the sea […]